BLEvo for your Smart Levo

Posts written by Talmiz

  1. .
    It doesn't make any changes.
  2. .
    This one ?
  3. .
    Can you point me to the button location please?
  4. .
    Do you mean this view ?
  5. .
    Yeah it's looks like. Anything can be done ?
  6. .
    It's has made some difference, but still it's a little out of the lines.
  7. .
    Hi all, I bought a 2.5inch cellular telephone to use it with blevo app. As you can in the picture the app is passing the actual window. Anything to do with this issue?

  8. .
    Thanks, it's more than a new device.
  9. .
    Hi, what is the price? And can you ship it abord ?
  10. .
    Hi Paul did you get a chance to ride more with the smart watch LEMT ? Do you recommend it ?
    What is the spec of the smart watch?

  11. .
    Hi Everyone, I'm looking for a small(max 4inch) Smartphone to use the Blevo on the handlebar.
    Did someone bought one and can recommend ?

  12. .
    Hi, did you you solved this issue ?
12 replies since 6/2/2022